SACRED WATERS of the WOMB Immersion

New date announced soon

Burleigh Heads Location TBA

Spaces strictly limited to 7 women.


Join Gemma Rose for a day of connection, ceremony and embodiment practices to explore your internal waters, as a guide for awakening the healing and creative wisdom within.

We will begin by connecting in ceremony, before journeying into our inner realms to practice deep inner listening to what's within. 

We will then move into embodiment practices to begin to move through any emotional blockages and energetic stagnation and begin to cultivate our bodies own capacity for healing.

We will dive deep into our sacred waters and work to alchemise all that's no longer serving, so that we may call in our most authentic expression and all we wish to birth in the world.

The day will finish with gentle integration and sharing with sisters.


This journey includes;

Ceremony + Ritual

Breath and presence

Guided shamanic womb meditation 

Intention setting ritual

Journaling & reflection

feminine embodiment practises 

Connecting and sharing with sisters in and out of circle & and all the added beauty that gathering in sisterhood brings.


This workshop is for: 

Women of all ages post menarche who are longing to deepen connection to the feminine waters of their womb and learn devotional practices to honour and protect their womb space.

Women who are ready to release and heal traumas of the womb, cultivate more self-love, and activate their creative potential.

Come and enjoy the safety of an intimate container of sisters and immerse yourself in feminine rituals and practises to support your journey home to yourself and the sacred waters of your womb.

Spaces strictly limited to 7 women.